Reporting on Housing Delivery and Housing Finance, Operationalizing the National Housing Policy



Oxfam America


Project Details

Though the 2010 earthquake destroyed much of Haiti’s urban infrastructure, the earthquake is not the sole cause of the nation’s distress today. Rather, the earthquake exposed weaknesses in Haiti’s housing ecosystem, including delivery blockages and the absence of effective supply and demand value chains, that must be addressed or the nation will never be able to build a successful society with quality affordable housing. In 2011, the formation of the Unit for Construction, Housing and Public Buildings (UCLBP) introduced a new entity into the group of administering bodies of the government of Haiti. UCLBP has been instrumental in the development of a national housing policy, the Politique National du Logement, which was released in 2012, and lays the groundwork for the development of a long-term response to the challenge of poverty and inadequate housing in Haiti. Since its release, UCLBP have convened a table sectorielle to discuss the operationalization of the national housing policy. Oxfam America engaged AHI for its specialist affordable housing knowledge and international experience to offer our contribution to the table sectorielle with recommendations for how the Government and stakeholders in Haiti could transform the National Housing Policy into a successful action plan. This work culminated in a report, published by Oxfam America, on Housing Delivery and Housing Finance in Haiti, and a workshop held in Pétionville on Wednesday, April 10th 2013, with participation of over 120 representatives from all components of the Haitian housing sector.