Project & Program Consulting

AHI offers consulting to financing entities such as Development Finance Institutions or philanthropic organizations in projects that support the development of affordable housing. Using our Ecosystem framework, mapping processes, challenges, and opportunities on both the supply-side and demand-side of housing ecosystems, we have the capacity to facilitate decisions and operations to bring programs, entities, and initiatives to the next step of their realization.

As consultants, we can:

  • Perform housing market assessments- Using our proprietary Housing Ecosystem Analysis tools, we provide a detailed mapping of processes, entities, challenges, and opportunities on both the supply- and demand-side value chains to identify the types of intervention required for catalytic systemic change.
  • Assess investment opportunities- We can spot positive innovation across a market segment (e.g. student housing) or geography (e.g. Sub-Saharan Africa) and help investors locate potential investment opportunities.
  • Design programs or products and assess their feasibility- Based on a Value Chain analysis we tailor the design of programs and products to lever resources effectively and impactfully within the target market. Solutions have included housing strategies and policies, new lending products, and sector-wide instruments such as mortgage liquidity facilities.
  • Structure transactions- We are the industry’s go-to experts for successfully structuring complex affordable housing Public Private Partnerships in challenging contexts with limited resources.
  • Evaluate existing programs- Our vast experience designing housing policy and program across the globe ideally positions us for performing Monitoring and Evaluation reviews of an existing program or initiative. In addition to documenting visible outputs, our project evaluation work focuses on identifying the ways in which the project has contributed to ecosystemic improvement.