Final Evaluation of HfH “Building Assets, Unlocking Access” (BAUA)

Ghana, Kenya, and Uganda

Habitat for Humanity Terwilliger Center for Innovation in Shelter


Project Details

Habitat for Humanity in partnership with the Mastercard Foundation (the Foundation) implemented a six-year project model of building capacity in six partner financial service providers (FSPs) in Uganda and Kenya as they diversify their product offerings to include vibrant and viable housing microfinance products with the potential for scale. HFH implemented this project through its Terwilliger Center for Innovation in Shelter, by engaging in strategic partnerships with FSPs that show commitment and institutional potential to deliver housing microfinance to low-income sectors at scale. The project started in October 2012, and ended September 30, 2018. AHI was selected as the consultant to conduct the final evaluation of the Building Assets, Unlocking Access project, which can inform future work by those involved in the partnership by understanding the success factors, opportunities, challenges and limitations of the project, all the way from inception to implementation; and by assessing the structure and process to implement the project; completion of objectives, goals, and expected outputs, and the lessons that can be used to replicate similar projects to contribute to the expansion housing microfinance in Sub-Saharan Africa; and beyond the region.